SPEL – Sociedade Promotora de Estabelecimentos de Ensino Lda is one of the partners of the “InTeaM4IEd – Innovative Teaching Methodologies in Hospitality Schools for Inclusive Education”, which will take place between 2022 and 2024 and has partners from Spain, Greece, Italy and the Netherlands.
Project objectives:
- Increase the professionalism and employability of students, especially those with ASD, in the hospitality sector in Europe;
- Provide equal opportunities to people with ASD through their training in work skills for their potential labour inclusion;
- Support students with ASD in acquiring new skills and developing new sector skills in line with labour market requirements;
- Contribute to the creation of an innovative and inclusive methodology for teachers in hospitality schools, facilitated by the InTeaM4IEd application and the use of chatbots;
- Create a network of schools, teachers, students with ASD and their peers, families, who will use the application for educational purposes as well as interpersonal/community purposes;
- Encourage the participation of students with ASD in VET programmes;
- Create a more inclusive learning environment.
Final Results:
- Competence mapping for new and emerging skills and competences, as well as job expectations in the hospitality sector;
- New practices to address the needs of vulnerable student groups, especially students with ASD;
- Increased professional development opportunities for teachers in hospitality schools;
- Improving the sector-specific skills of students with ASD in line with labour market demands;
- Increasing the professionalism and employability of students, particularly those with ASD, by creating new employability skills in the hospitality sector;
- Better integration of students with ASD in VET programmes;
- Promotion of education and training as a means of social inclusion and equal opportunities;
- Higher employment competitiveness, with greater inclusion of individuals with ASD in the labour market;
- Improved networking between the key stakeholders represented, such as hospitality schools/VET providers, businesses and NGOs active in local communities;
- Bigger awareness of the value and importance of inclusive education at local, national and EU levels;
- Collection and dissemination of good practices, experiences and knowledge from partner countries with more inclusive education, in order to strengthen awareness and knowledge of innovative teaching methods in hotel and catering schools;
- Stimulation and dissemination of the results of the projects at EU level to promote their future application in other geographical areas, as an effective way to ensure their impact and continuity.
1st Newsletter